Keyskill Academy of Digital Marketing

Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing & Strategy

Programme Overview

The Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing & Strategy at Keyskill Academy is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the use of digital, social media, and mobile applications for marketing. The programme focuses on the fundamentals of marketing, how these apply in the digital world, and offers an in-depth exploration of relevant applications. Participants will gain hands-on experience with tools, learn to use analytics to evaluate marketing efforts, and develop proficiency in strategizing digital marketing campaigns independently. No prerequisites are required, aside from basic business acumen and an understanding of relevant industries.

Programme USP

1. In-depth Understanding of Consumer Behavior: Gain insights into the minds of consumers to tailor effective digital marketing strategies.
2. Comprehensive Digital and Social Media Knowledge: Develop a thorough understanding of various digital and social media platforms and their applications.
3. From Strategy to Implementation: Learn to create, execute, and analyze comprehensive digital marketing strategies.
4. Interactive Simulations: Engage in practical simulations to apply theoretical knowledge.
5. Advanced Digital Marketing Analytics: Master the use of analytics tools to evaluate and optimize marketing efforts.

Programme Contents

Month 1: Digital Marketing Fundamentals

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
2. Understanding the digital marketing landscape
3. Differentiating between traditional and digital marketing
4. Exploring various digital marketing channels
5. Website Planning, Development, and Graphics Designing
6. Importance of a user-friendly and responsive website
7. Basics of website design and layout
8. Introduction to content management systems (e.g., WordPress)
9. Introduction to graphics designing tools (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Canva)
10. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
11. Fundamentals of SEO and its importance
12. On-page and off-page SEO techniques
13. Keyword research and optimization strategies

Month 2: Digital Marketing Channels

1. Social Media Marketing
2. Overview of major social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
3. Creating engaging content for social media
4. Understanding social media algorithms and analytics
5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
6. Introduction to PPC advertising (Google Ads, Bing Ads)
7. Creating effective ad campaigns
8. Budgeting, targeting, and optimizing ads
9. Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and Freelancer Projects Bidding
10. Crafting compelling email campaigns
11. Building and managing email lists
12. Content marketing strategies and storytelling
13. Introduction to freelancing platforms and project bidding
14. Google Ads
15. Setting up Google Ads campaigns
16. Keyword selection and bidding strategies
17. Creating effective ad copies
18. Understanding Google Ads metrics and analytics
19. Strategies for improving Quality Score
20. Facebook Ads
21. Setting up Facebook Ads Manager
22. Targeting and audience segmentation
23. Designing effective ad creatives
24. Budgeting and bidding on Facebook Ads
25. Analyzing Facebook Ads performance metrics
26. Retargeting strategies using Facebook Pixel

Month 3: Advanced Strategies and Analytics

1. Affiliate Marketing and E-commerce Marketing
2. Understanding affiliate marketing models and networks
3. Creating effective affiliate marketing campaigns
4. Strategies for promoting e-commerce businesses online
5. Performance Marketing and Data Analytics
6. Introduction to performance marketing and its significance
7. Setting up tracking and measuring key performance metrics
8. A/B testing and conversion rate optimization
9. Influencer Marketing and Marketing Automation
10. Leveraging influencer partnerships for brand promotion
11. Introduction to marketing automation tools
12. Designing customer journeys and automated workflows
13. Future Trends and Final Projects
14. Exploring emerging trends in digital marketing (AI, voice search, etc.)
15. Participants work on a comprehensive digital marketing project
16. Applying knowledge and skills gained throughout the course
17. Presenting and analyzing project results

Note: Modules/topics are indicative and may be modified to fit the participant profile and programme hours.

Duration & Number of Session Hours

• Duration: 3 Months
• Number of Hours: 52
• Total Number of Sessions: 40

Mode of Delivery

Mode: Online, using a technology-synchronized platform.
Interactive Sessions: Two-way audio and video communication to facilitate real-time interaction.
Convenient Access: Attend sessions directly from your desktop or laptop.
Weekly Schedule: Sessions are held weekly on Saturdays, with additional weekday sessions as needed for timely completion.
Supplementary Materials: Reading materials and other resources provided as required.
Faculty Interaction: Opportunity to interact with faculty through emails and chat.


The programme employs a mix of pedagogical techniques, including:

Lectures: Expert-led sessions covering theoretical aspects of digital marketing.
Case Discussions: Real-world case studies to illustrate practical applications of concepts.
Project Work: Hands-on projects to develop and implement digital marketing strategies.
Term Papers: In-depth research papers on relevant digital marketing topics.
Assignments: Regular assignments to reinforce learning and practical application.


Continuous evaluation through quizzes, assignments, tests, and examinations. Participants must score minimum marks/grades as decided by the Institute to complete the course.


Successful completion certificate awarded by Keyskill Academy.

Total Fees and Payment Schedule

Particular Amount
Registration Fee/Application Fee:
INR 10,000
1st Instalment (payable at the time of admission, excluding GST)
INR 16,000
2nd Instalment (excluding GST)
INR 16,000
Total Fee (exclusive of bank charges & GST)
INR 42,000
Overall Fees (including GST @ 18% and bank charges)
INR 49,560

Student Privileges

Benefits include:
• Communication of brochures and newsletters from Keyskill Academy
• Access to the Keyskill Academy Campus Library (onsite access only)
Mode: Online
Duration: 2 months
•Contact Information: +91 9810559439