Online Advance Excel Course Curriculum Overview
Online Advance Excel Course Curriculum Overview
Advance Excel Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment Chap 1.1
Advance Excel Watch as Excel records a Macro Chap 1.2
Advance Excel Dot Notation Chap 1.3
Advance Excel VBA Developer Toolbar Chap 1.4
Adding a Button to an Advance Excel Spreadsheet Chap 1.5
Advance Excel VBA Offset Property Chap 1.6
Advance Excel VBA Resize Property Chap 1.7
Advance Excel VBA and Variables
Advance Excel Using variables
Advance Excel VBA Variable Practice
Advance Excel Using variables to multiply and divide Chap 4.1
Advance Excel Other Variable Types Chap 4.2
Advance Excel VBA If Else
Advance Excel VBA If Else
Advance Excel Logical Operators
Advance Excel VBA If Else Practice 1
Advance Excel VBA IfElse Practice 1
Advance Excel VBA IfElse Practice 2
Advance excel Select Case
Advance Excel Select case VBA Practice 3
Advance excel With End With
Advance Excel Loops
Advance Excel VBA Programming For Loops
Advance Excel For Each Loops in Excel VBA
Advance Excel VBA Cells Property
Advance Excel VBA Programming Arrays
Advance Excel VBA Programming Arrays
Advance Excel VBA Programming Arrays and Loops
Advance Excel Multidimensional Arrays in VBA
Advance Excel VBA Split Function
Advance Excel more on Subs in Excel VBA Chap 20
Advance Excel Passing values to a Sub Chap 21
Advance Excel Create your own Functions VBA Chap 23
Advance Excel more about the Excel VBA Message Box Chap 22
Advance Excel’s Using own WorkSheet Function in VBA Chapter 24
Set Keyword in Advance Excel VBA Chap 25
Advance Excel Open a Text File in VBA Chap 26
Writing to text files in Excel VBA Practice TXT
Advance Excel Getting Started User Forms Chap 27
Advance Excel Add the Code for the User Form Button Chap 28
Advance Excel Launching your User Form Chap 29 Advance Excel LCase and UCase
Adding New Tabs to the Excel Ribbon (versions 2010 and 2013) Chap 30
Add a New Excel Tab, Part Two Chap 31
Advance Excel Working with Strings of Text VBA Chap 32
Advance Excel LCase and UCase in Excel VBA Chap 32
Advance Excel Trim, Len, and Space in VBA Chap 33
Advance Excel VBA Replace Function Chap 34
Advance Excel VBA Functions: InStr, InStrRev, StrReverse Chap 35
Advance Excel VBA Left and Right functions Chap 36
Advance Excel Mid Function
Advance Excel Mid Function in VBA Chap 38
Advance Excel VBA String Method Exercise Chap 39
Quick Analysis : Advance Excel
Pivotal Table : Advance Excel